Close to, or near the mouth of the Berg River, the explorers set in to make repairs, look for water, and check their position. Vasco da Gama named the bay Bahai da Santa Elena (St Helena Bay), after the Religious Mother of Constantine the Great. For almost four months they sailed across the Atlantic without sight of land until, on *4 November 1497, they reached a bay (current day St Helena). Vasco's brother, Paulo, captained the Sao Raphael. The commander-in-chief, Vasco da Gama embarked on the Sao Gabriel accompanied by his pilot, Pedro de Alenquer. The Portuguese expedition set off from the Tagus River on 8 July 1497 with a crew of 148 men in a squadron of three square-riggers, the Sao Gabriel, the Sao Raphael, the Berrio, and a supply ship. For an unpacking of this mystification of the history of exploration. The reason why groups often state their arrival on some foreign land as a "discovery" is because, according to the primitive 'finders keepers' rule, this lends support to any claim they make to "owning" the land. The land was already occupied and was being used by the inhabitants. The reason for putting "discovery" in inverted commas is because the land was not, as so many explorers argue, discovered by them. This feature focuses on the first, as it was during this expedition that Vasco da Gama's crew landed in South Africa. When he reached India the Muslim traders convinced the local Hindu ruler in Calcutta that the Portugesse were pirates and not " royal " representatives.Vasco da Gama carried out 2 expeditions between 14. The conflict between the Muslim trading ports of East Africa and the Christians was really just an extension of the wars taking place in the Mediterrian.ĭa Gama used this conflict as an excuse to take Arab trading vessels and their cargos. The local Sultan tried to trick the Portugese into running their fleet aground. When the fleet reached Mombasa the news of their attack on Mozambic reached there ahead of them. When the Sultan found that da Gama was a Christian they tried to capture the ships and enslave the Portugese.

When the fleet reached East Africa in Mozambic they found an established trade center for slaves and gold control by a Muslim sultan. They found good fishing off the coast of south Africa that they called Natal. Rounding the Cape of Good Hope His fleet of four ships were faced by strong storms.

When he reached the coast of Africa his sailors offended the local tribe by taking water without permission. He and his sailors saw a lot of empty seas. Vasco da Gama sailed far out to sea instead of sailing along the west coast of Africa.